We are planning ahead with sewing projects and gifts. I have finished Keileigh and Knut's play outfits and am working on some ties and bowties for Knut and Nevan.
Ok, so I love to sew. I've been working on various projects on and off and had to switch back and forth from some different projects. I decided that I wanted to make something for me and I had just found a new pattern I wanted to try out. I also had some fabrics on hand to play around with. Keileigh thinks it's for her, she says its too small for Mommy. But Mommy thinks it's perfect for those times when she doesn't need to pack everything and the kitchen sink to have "just in case."
We had a treat last night and got In-and-Out for dinner. Of course, Nevan had to share french fries with Knut and we realized that was the first time we had gotten it since Nevan was born and he really enjoyed it.
On Sunday, as we were getting ready for Church, Knut and Keileigh came out of their room and told me they had packed their snack and they were ready to go. I had already packed snacks and quiet stuff and wasn't really worried about it. Knut insisted that he had to take his backpack into Church and it couldn't be left in the car. We finally convinced him to leave it and Church went well. He then insisted later that Daddy had to go get his backpack and it was very important. Daddy got his backpack and Knut very carefully took it to the other room. He then unpacked it and handed two cans of Pringles to Daddy and said, "Here you go, snack is over."
Another one of Knut's friends had a birthday. We did another backpack and a set of books. Knut was excited because the party was at a park. He got out of the car and immediately went over to wait for us, while we were unloading Nevan and Keileigh and we heard this: "Hi ants! What you doing? Where you going? You have fun? Ok, bye ants" He was very pleased with himself.
We had a play date at one of Knut's friend's houses and then walked home. They had played so much and done so good with the walk, that by the time we got home, they were both sound asleep. They didn't even budge when I put the stroller in the house.
Another day, Keileigh refused to take a nap and then right after dinner with the elders, she went into the other room and was waiting for us.
Knut has undertaken an interesting project. It is his job to share. He shares everything with his little brother. We are just working on what it is Nevan can have that Knut can share. We have a weekly shopping trip to run errands and we usually end up picking up Happy Meals for the kids and having a picnic dinner on the floor while putting groceries away.