Wednesday, February 11, 2009


We took a break in the midst of packing to go to Music and Movement time and one of the songs they were doing in the month of January was "Tooty-Ta", which for those of you that remember is like "Singing in the Rain" from Girl's Camp or Girl's Scouts. This version just says the actions to the music and the kids get to dance to the upbeat music. Knut loved this song and will still dance to it, Keileigh thought we were crazy and Nevan just clapped, since he's just learned how to do that.

Thumbs up!

Elbows back!

Feet Apart!

Knees together! (for knut it looked the same as feet apart)
Butt up!

Tongue out!

Eyes Shut and turn around! He tried really hard, but he had to peek.

1 comment:

Phipps Family said...

Too funny! Miss you guys!