Sunday, June 7, 2009

Kennecott Copper Mines

We had a family breakfast the next morning, but of course with chasing the kids I didn't get any pictures. But all in all, they were pretty good. I thought this sign right after Thanksgiving point was pretty great, especially when one of our family members is a "Kate."

We went to the Copper Mines and I won't put captions on all the pictures, but Knut was very impressed with the Mighty Machines and wanted to know all about them and where they were taking the rocks and ores. Keileigh decided that it was ok for Brianna to be a friend was went around with her.


Patti Jo said...

Keileigh's skirt is way cute! Did you make it?

Holly and little people said...

Yes, it's just a square cute out of the fabric and then a circle cut out of the square and then sewn to a t-shirt. She has about 3 of these dresses and wore them all that weekend. I'm going to post instructions on my other blog soon with different ideas.

Patti Jo said...

I'll be looking forward getting the instructions for it! I've been making some cute ones for Leilani that are made out of a man's dress button down shirt. Would you like the link for directions on how to make it?