Friday, February 15, 2008


I just received another book and had to share my joy in a great service. Nolan loves to listen to his favorite podcasts while he works and last year he came home and had me look up the webpage I immediately signed up and love it. I read a lot and sometimes I find some great books at thrift stores or the Friends for the Library sales. But sometimes when you read a book and it's not quite what you expected or you didn't like it at all, what do you do? With Bookmooch I can list all the books I want to get rid of and I get 1/10 of a point. Other people on Bookmooch can see what I have available and can request that I send it to them, which is usually media mail book rate, just a couple of dollars. When they do that, I get a point. When I request a book, I spend my points. I've also got a wishlist and a save-for-later list so that when the books I want become available I get an email. I was able to get an advanced reader copy of Physic by Angie Sage last year before it was released and I just got Lost by Gregory Maguire. It is so much fun to get the mail to see if my book has come.

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