Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Busy Busy Bumble Bees

Life can definitely be overwhelming with three kids and trying to keep my sanity, but we're surviving. I know I haven't posted for a while but when one kid is sick and then the other and they both feel like they're the most important thing that mommy can be taking care of at any given time, it can get really frustrating for mommy. Keileigh was sick two weeks ago with a tummy bug that lingered for several days and then Knut was sick the following week with something else. We had a really busy week with the young men/young women dinner and auction, an awesome RS meeting with Mary Ellen Edmunds, family birthdays, meetings and running errands. So it's nice to finally have a quiet day at home with the kids who have started playing on their own together, giving mommy some quiet time. Knut has also started requesting Mommy fun time when Keileigh and Nevan take their naps, which has become a great time to work on letters and numbers and is just a special time every afternoon.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Oh I so understand. We have been so busy around here my head is spinning. I would love some chill out time. Have fun.